Speak at Mautic Conference

Present your ideas or knowledge - Find your audience - Submit your Live or recorded Talk

Everything you need to know about

Speaking at Mautic Conference Global

Mautic is the world's first open source Marketing Automation project. Mautic Conference Global presenters and attendees reflect our amazing community: end-users, translators, organizers, executives, marketers, editors, content strategists, designers, developers, and more. 2024 will see the return of our World Conference - Mautic Conference Global 2024 - for the fifth time. As always, the event will be fully virtual.

We want you to share your perspective and knowledge!

Submission deadline: Monday, May 13th 11:59 pm UTC

Live or Pre-recorded?

Sessions can be held live or pre-recorded.

Even for pre-recorded sessions, though, the speakers live presence at the session is mandatory, e.g. for the Q&A after the session.
Session Formats: 40 or 5 minutes
You can choose between two options:

  • Sessions (30 minutes Talk + 10 minutes Q&A) are ideal for any larger topic
  • Lightning Talks (5 minutes) are ideal for a quick demonstration of things like new features / solutions to a problem / etc. - but also for pitching ideas, asking for support, ...

Categories and Tracks

We have the following categories in which we are accepting sessions:

Marketing Strategy
Marketing Automation Best Practices
Growing a business with Mautic
Mautic for E-commerce
Developing for Mautic
Using Mautic
Running, scaling and optimising Mautic
Privacy and Compliance
Open Source
Mautic Community

We would love to see various non-English tracks again this year! Non-English speakers are welcome to submit their proposals in their native language, and optionally the same talk in English, too.

The requirements for a non-English track are at least three talks for that language, one track lead and one person to help the team reviewing the sessions. We suggest using our per-language forum categories for coordination, to make sure we have enough talks in your language to allow for a dedicated track. Let us please know if we can support you with the above!

Need some help with submitting your idea? Nervous about speaking?

Take a look at these resources:

Questions or concerns?

Send questions about the event (session submission process, logistics, etc.) to [email protected]. Get tips and request feedback from the Mautic Conference Working Group team in the #mauticon-help Slack channel (mautic.org/slack to get an invite).


April 5 – Session proposals open

May 13 – Session proposals close 11:59 pm UTC

May 27 – Accepted Sessions & proposed slots notifications

June 3 – Deadline: Session & slot reconfirmation by speaker

June 10 – Sessions announced

June 24 - Deadline: Video submission for Pre-recorded sessions (non negotiable!)

Why speak at Mautic Conference Global?

Your voice is crucial in driving Mautic's continued growth and success. In this Global Conference we are looking forward to welcoming a diverse range of speakers from around the world!

Speaking at Mautic Conference Global can help you build a stronger network of professional contacts and friends from around the world, as well as connect you with others who share your interests. All sessions are recorded—this helps you to build your speaking portfolio and further share your ideas beyond this conference.
